Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Going to the toilet
well basically we were talking about the pros and cons of cleaning with a tissue as compared to cleaning with water....
the convo went something like this (with poetic licience):
Me: what i dont understand is why people wash their hands after going to the toilet?
Mate: Man, its obvious! its so they are clean! are you tellin' me you dont wash your hands after going to the toilet?!
Me: No (i do just for the record :)), What im saying is...why do people clean the dirtiest part of their body superficially using a tissue, but then take the right steps to wash their hands with water...surely they should either not wash them at all as they are less dirty or wipe them with a dry tissue?
Mate: err...because its a part of the body we can see...or use more...
Me: Okay lets give You an analogy: You get some dog-poop and smear it all over your armpit, as that is a part of the body little seen and little used, would you, using your philosophy of "clean it if you can see it" clean it still?
Mate: yeh i would, but anyway we have a shower everyday..!
Me: So you're admitting the superiority of cleaning with water?
Mate: ...
Me: And anyway, you go around for the rest of the day with poo sticking to your body...even a baby is in a better state man! he gets cleaned with wet wipes!
Mate: oh look lets go into our class....
Me: yeh lets, and by the way, we clean ourselves with water as thats what our religion teaches.
Mate: yeh it does seem kinda right....maybe we should all start cleaning ourselves with water.
Yeh, that wasnt at all how the convo went, but some key points of discussion that were raised, i tried to mention.
Anyway ill leave you with this rather elegant (im new to them) equation relating to imaginary numbers:
(a+bi)(c+di) = (ac-bd)+(bc+ad)i
where i is the square root of -1 and i squared is -1
Monday, 12 February 2007
religion in a nutshell
1) Is there a God?
2) (If yes to the first one) Did God communicate to us through the Quran?
Thats it! because simply, if the two answers are yes for a person, then he would be foolish to not become a Muslim...as he has accepted the Quran...so he knows the benefits of Islam and also the punishment in store for him if he then rejects Islam after accepting that the Qur'an is the word of God.
Now the second question doesn't have to have "through the Quran" in...it could be any other religious book such as the Torah, the Bible or the Bagavad Gita. Now we approach the next hurdle in the search for truth....Which religion is correct...if not all being either right or wrong?
1) Are religions wrong?
2)Are all religions correct?
3) Which religion is correct?
Okay, I think ill start with this. Here we are basically stating:
"all religions are wrong"
Right, that doesn't really answer the purpose of life, rather it avoids answering it. But that is not reason alone to dismiss this stance. The next is, that this argument is just a conclusion- it needs support, such as proving why all religions are in fact wrong. Also how then can we for example dismiss the scientific facts in the Quran or other miraculous events? Also refer to an answer to atheism in my older posts.
Okay, again this is a huge thinking flaw, many religions contradict in their teachings, for example you have Muslims saying Jesus was only a messenger of God, while Christians claim he was the son of God - how can both possibly be right?
And for a religion to be from God, it ALL has to be 100% correct, so the next argument that in fact all religions teach good things therefore are all right, is also easily dissmissable as even if a religion has good teachings, if its beliefs are wrong, then there is no point trying to reach God through the path which is clearly wrong, rather we should search for a path which is authentically from God and which also teaches good.
Here we are entering into comparative religion, and I wont go into this as theres plenty of sources out there already:
and ofcourse theres a "christianity" part to my second post, which rather pales in contrasts to the forementioned sites ;).
But basically heres what we have to look at:
Is the religion's teachings sensible and logical and in harmony with what science tells us?
Are the teachings actually what they were when they were first revealed from God, so in other words - ARE THEY AUTHENTIC? ARE THEY UNCORRUPTED?ARE THEY WHAT GOD SAID OR JUST A MAN?
To conclude, religion is really quite easy to understand once we know what questions we are trying to answer. I hope this doesnt sound like the ramblings of a madman ;)
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
As a Muslim, we have faith in God. However this isn't blind faith. This faith rests upon common sense, rationale, logic and, the topic for today, science.
Now most people think that religions are just about faith, and all they do is basically say something, such as "believe this book is from God", and then, just because the teachings in the book are quite wise, expect you to believe in it.
Now Islam says you have faith, but this goes hand in hand with proof. What proofs can there be in a book 1400 years ago that we, the enlightened/scientific age could possibly accept? well here we go: (I've copy pasted a lot here :) )
Quran and science
1) star formation
A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the "smoke" that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, page 50)
Allah Almighty said: "Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...(The Noble Quran, 41:11)"
2) Only Allah could do this without a telescope!
"And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh ROSY LIKE RED HIDE - (The Noble Quran, 55:37)" (look at picture)
3) The Big Bang
"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (The Noble Quran, 21:30)"
The Arabic word for "sky" in Noble Verse 41:11 above is "samaa", which is the same word used for "heaven" and "Universe". Since the 7 heavens didn't exist yet (because the seven firmaments or heavens were mentioned in the next Noble Verse 41:12), then this CLEARLY MAKES the "samaa" be referring to the Universe, since the heaven was the entire Universe when GOD Almighty "comprehended in His design the sky". He then later divided it into seven firmaments or heavens.
Anyway, as we clearly see above in the Noble Verses, Allah Almighty initially created the Universe or the "samaa" with smoke (Dukhan). Dukhan in Arabic refers to the smoke coming from fire, which is always HOT GAS.
4) The expansion of the universe is now a commonly known fact...old hat for the Muslims:
"And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it. (The Noble Quran, 51:47)"
5) we discover nowadays that there are 7 layers of the atmosphere....the Quran says it to a bunch of arabs in a desert 1400 years ago:
Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers?
[Al-Quran, 71:15]
He Who created the seven heavens in layers…
[Al-Quran, 67:3]
But don't take my word for it:
Earth's atmosphere is composed of several layers having distinct chemical and electrical properties. (1)
The atmosphere consist of several layers. (2)
The atmosphere of the Earth may be divided into several distinct layers. (3)
(1) http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/space/ATMO_PHYSICS.HTML
(2) http://pss.fit.edu/gpl/allskycam/skyhome.htm
(3) http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/earth/atmosphere.html
6) The sun in an orbit
We didn't know about this amazing fact until very recently, how the sun is infact orbiting around the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way.
and I shall assume everyone accepts that infact the moon is in an orbit. ;)
7) The fact that the sperm decide our sex
The female sex cell has XX, and the sperm has XY. (Now this means that the male sperm decides what the sex of the child is going to be....the Quran tells us:
"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted -- Proceedings from between the backbone and the ribs: Surely (Allah) is able To bring him back (To life)! The Day that (All) things secret Will be tested, (Man) will have No power, And no helper. (The Noble Quran, 86:5-10)"
"Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, In order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), Of Hearing and Sight. (The Noble Quran, 76:2)"
8) All life originated from water
Now scientists have discovered that infact all life did start off from water , but again the Quran mentions this 1400 years ago!
"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (The Noble Quran, 21:30)"
"It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things). (The Noble Quran, 25:54)"
"And God has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. God creates what He wills for verily God has power over all things. (The Noble Quran, 24:45)"
9) The fact in the Quran that everyones fingertips were unique and were used in the Quran as a way to differentiate between people.
"Does man think that WE Cannot assemble his bones? Nay, WE are able to put Together in perfect order The very tips of his fingers."
[AL-QUR'AN 75:3-4]
10) The Quran mentions the fact that plants have 2 sexes and are produced in pairs. we have only recently discovered this but again its mentioned without the aid of a microscope, revealed to some of the most backward people on earth at that time, to an illiterate man - and the words revealed to him carry this incredible, nay - mind-boggling knowledge in them.
“(God is the One who) sent down rain from the sky and with it brought forth a variety of plants in pairs [azwajan min nabatin shatta].” {Quran, 20:53}The Arabic word "Azwajan" is literally derived from the root word "Zawj", which literally means "pair".
Also, in Arabic a husband and a wife are called "Azwaj", "Azwajan" and/or "Zawjan", which is another similar word that is derived from "Zawj".
These and a huge number of other amazing scientific facts can be found at http://www.answering-christianity.com/sci_quran.htm
(This is the site ive used for this blog)
(among the ones not mentioned are: the internal waves within an ocean, Embryo development in detail mentioned in the Quran, a barrier between two seas of different salinities and temperatures etc, mixing and flowing into one another, among others)
Basically once you keep in perspective that the Quran was revealed 1400 years ago to someone who couldnt possibly have guessed, never mind known, this whole list of recent scientific discoveries ( he was illiterate and the society he lived in was a tribal desert society which had little to no scientific knowledge), you have to conclude that this book must be from the all-knowing creator: Allah.
The Quran mentioning this means that it must be from God, as the other options are irrational, namely: Muhammad got extremely lucky while "making up" the Quran, or that this was added in later on after these discoveries.
The first we have already dealt with, the second is also not true, as once you look into the history of the Quranic compilation (see previous posts) and the history of the Muslim empire during the first few 100 years, you realise that the Quran we have today, is exactly the same Quran Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) recited 1400 years ago. And that no additions or subtractions ever took place right from the start, never mind 100s of years after when the scientists properly started researching and discovering information (not the info mentioned above though-other information).
The reason being that with 100,000 of people who knew the entire Quran of by heart, walking around, at that point, plus there only being one version of the Quran available meant that it was impossible for anyone to dupe others by additions into the text.
Even these early Muslim scientists didn't discover stuff such as the Big Bang idea, the embryo development cycle, all the other facts in the Quran - the majority of which didn't get discovered over the last 50-100 years!
So to really conclude, Islam, along with all its beautiful teachings of worshipping the One all-powerful God, living a healthy life and aiming to go to Paradise, also gives Muslims the security that their religion doesn't contradict science(unlike others), rather it adds to it. This all contributes to the stronger faith (Eman) of the Muslim, making him a better practising Muslim as he really believes in God (Allah) and he really believes that the Quran is the Word of God.
Monday, 5 February 2007
Religions [or ways of life :) ] shouldn't just be about BLIND faith. because then the faith is weak as it doesnt rest on anything firm.
Islam says religion should be about faith which rests on science, logic, rationale and common sense.
InshAllah (God willing) the next post in going to discuss the dozens of amazing scientific facts in the Quran - which have only been discovered recently - but were in the Quran 1400 years ago!
The Noble Quran is the Muslim holy book. It is not, as is commonly thought, a biography of Muhammad, rather its a book of guidance for mankind straight from their God - (Allah).
The book talks about 100s of different topics, but the whole book revolves around one idea: The singular, simple and pure concept of one God ("say he, Allah is one" 112:1) (tawheed- in arabic). It teaches that the purpose of life is to accept God without any partners and then to worship God in the way he has taught us( see previous post).
The Quran was revealed in many different revelations in different times and circumstances to the messenger of God- Muhammad (pbuh). Muhammad was illiterate so it was very surprising for the arabs at the time, for Muhammad to be reciting what they admitted was so beautiful that it was "not the speech of man". The Quran is always without fail God speaking to humanity, rather than Muhammad speaking from his own thoughts. It was completed in 23 years. This revealed Quran was taught to the companions of Muhammad and they learnt it by heart (its very possible -I know many many people who have done this 100,000s in the world, probably in the millions). It was also written down, dictated by Muhammad to his scribes.
After the messenger of God passed away, the Quran was compiled into one book by the Khalifa (ruler) of the muslims, so as to safeguard the Quran from any corruption. This was done quickly as many Huffaz ( memorisers of the Quran) were dying in battles so the Quran had to be written down. The companions all threw themselves into contributing to this compilation. Now the person doing the compilation was himself a Haffiz ( memoriser of the entire Quran). But he didnt rely on his memory and his copies....he said that for every verse in the Quran to be safely included, there had to be a written record of it, written by someone who was dictated the verse directly from Muhammad and atleast 2 people who knew the verse by heart. Thus the Quran was compiled.
Later on another compilation took place, so as to give the companions who were away fighting at the time of the first compilation, a chance to contribute to the honoured task of compiling the Quran. - This compilation exactly matched the first one! so 2 seperate compilations using different sources got exactly the same verses!
This is a far cry from the Judaeo-Christian scriptures, penned by anonymous authors, each with their own ideology to spread, with many contradictions and even clear-cut borrowing form each other! They are essentially (inaccurate) biographies of various people, with little to nothing directly from God(God doesnt really address mankind in these texts). The Bible was compiled 150-300 years after Jesus. The Quran on the other hand was compiled using authentic sources, with all people involved known, along with their life stories and character, with multiple independent sources all corroborating and supporting each other. This was done within only 2-4 years after Muhammads death! (note: closer to time=less chance of information loss)
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Vlog #9: Who Hijacked Islam??!
this is a fantastic series of sites - very very useful and a good reminder for us all
Friday, 2 February 2007
islam- not really a religion
theres a remarkably fluid word in arabic - "deen" - this basically means "way of life". Now thats what Islam really is all about.
Islam teaches basically that the purpose for our creation was only to : worship God. (i have not created Jinn and mankind except but to worship me 51:56) - now if that is the main aim of our life...then surely everything, yes EVERYTHING should then therefore be geared towards this worship. Islam has a say in everything we do in our life. here ill give a few examples:
okay so lets start right at the start of the day:
you wake up and immediately say "praise be to Allah who gives us life after he has caused us to die and to him is the return." Now after this you get up, put your slippers on (right foot first) and go to the toilet (left foot first). here you read "oh Allah I seek protection in you from the male and female unclean spirits." - then you go to brush your teeth. ( the Prophet (PBUH)( whos example muslims have to follow) used to brush 5 times a day, sometimes even more, and he strongly encouraged brushing of our teeth! and this is 1400 years ago, before everyone knew about the dangers of unclean teeth too. and now we find out we should brush before bed and after we wake up...what did the prophet used to do? exactly that!)
now you want to answer the call of nature...does islam have teachings for that too? - yes it does!
you answer the call of nature...then you use your left hand (islam pays high emphasis on keeping seperate the hand with which you touch dirty things and the hand you use for other things like eating) to clean youself, using water(as islam teaches). Now why water...you may ask...well the answer is simply that if you had some dog-poo on a table..would you use a tissue to clean it off or would you use water...? why use tissues for our own bodies...and be less clean?
okay so now your all spruced up...you want to do wudu (ritual cleansing-which is required before you can do ritual prayer or read the Quran ) -so you start....rinse your mouth and nose out 3 times, wash entire face 3 times, wash arms upto elbows 3 times, wipe hair and wash ears, then wash feet - you now are clean im sure you'll agree with me.
okay now you realise its a friday - Islam teaches that a person should bathe or shower atleast once a week-and especially on a friday - so you go into shower and have a shower. ( it is said that cleanliness is half of faith - in islam)
Ill stop there(dont want to bore people...i think ive proven that islam is infact a way of life...There are many more teachings about being in the toilet that i havent mentioned...let alone the 100,000 of other authentic teachings about other activities(eating, sleeping, business, politics etc etc)...not like other religions where its just hearsay with anonymous authors.
by the way, you dont HAVE to do this as a muslim, the majority of the things i mnetioned are recommended but not compulsory...so if a muslim decided to ditch brushing their teeth for a week - they are still muslim. :) the whole concept is that - you have a purpose to your life - worshipping God - and you try and remember and worship him in every single act of yours.
(visit www.searchtruth.com-and look at hadith section and see if there some topic you cant find addressed or a principle to apply to the topic in question- and look at the sheer number of authentic sayings of Muhammad(PBUH))
hey that might be an other topic to write about...what is "authentic" and what is the "SCIENCE" of hadith ( the sayings or actions of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)) and how they are verified to be authentic...and ofcourse a comparison to other religious documents which were much more volatile in their formative years and dubious in their origins.
Thursday, 1 February 2007
increasingly people are spending a lot of their time online and on MSN. this is an excellent opportunity to tell people about islam, because naturally in ther own homes people feel much more comfortable and online they are much more open too. face to face there are sometimes some barriers.
so what we have started is to do dawah online (telling people about islam), not converting them, as that would be trying sumthing only Allah can do - we cannot convert even 1 person - only Allah can guide them. all we are doing is giving them the information for them to make that decision for themselves.
so what i propose us muslims online do is add each other ( that way we have collectively more knowledge and poeple to give dawah to) and then after reading this brief (badly written in some parts) guide - go ahead and give dawah.
People involved:
Umair --- umair_tk@hotmail.com
Ibrahim --- ibrahim_thebest123@hotmail.com
Ammar--- ammar_tg@hotmail.com
Danyal--- m_danyal@hotmail.co.uk
wasif wasif_syed_44@hotmail.com
(add us plz)
Why we r doing it:
as its Fard on us to convey message of Islam
as Biggest sunnah of Messenger (saw)
as it says so in the quran: 12:108
as its our obligation to the non muslims we meet - so that they cant say to us on the say of resurrection
that we didnt tell them about Islam...and then we'll be in a tight spot
WHo we r doing it for:
We are doing it for Allah alone, and if we do it for ANY other reason then we aint doing it for Allah
so we have to keep a tabs on our intention all the time.
What are we doing?
calling to the worship of the creator ( ALllah) alone and without partners rather than the worhship
of the creation.
calling to worship Allah in the way he has said in the Quran and to do it according to the sunnah
of the Prophet (saw)
so basically...the kalimah/shahadah - no God worthy of
being worshipped except Allah, and Muhammad (saw) is his messenger.
| 11 key things for dawah |
| |
| 1) doing it only for Allah |
| 2) knowing what we r calling to: eg knowing basics about Islam - certain knowledge |
| 3) call to EVERYONE - all have that right to know the truth. |
| 4) sincerity - practise what you preach - absolutely vital |
| 5) know intellectual background, and background of listeners- |
| relationship should be like a doctor to a patient. |
| 6) know your and their psychology -good first impression- plant a seed about islam |
| never get emotive, and argumentative, keep convo postive (lots of LOLs and ROFLs :)|
| 7) oppose falsehood and aggression in any form - justice is huhe concept in islam |
| 8) dont get dragged into proving bible wrong-if it happens it happens |
| but always remember keep the convo about islam at all times. |
| 9) offer better alternative - islam and social ills, purpose of life etc |
|10) be patient- remember ppl dont change overnight - many take years |
| to become a muslim, its important that we plant that seed and then nurture it |
|11) be ready to accept criticism, and be adaptable, and this comes with experience - |
| - so gain some and do dawah all the time u r online! |
coming soon!
what it is
who its for
what it talks about
its compilation-comparison with bible
science in the quran
Islam- a way of life
--Islam and Social problems
-drugs, smoking etc
-no sex before marriage
-islamic economics
-islamic laws
--islam and everyday life
-islam and toiletry
things to say to certain types of people: ( for the argumentative among us ;) )
First of all before we give some points of discussion about christianity - we always seem to forget
that our aim is not to prove their religion is false, rather it is to prove Islam is right.
we shouldnt criticise them and make them go on the defensive as then our objective of inviting them to
Islam is not going to be acheived however well we put it after that attack on their beliefs. If
it does infact crop up then obviously we discuss it, but always remember to give the islamic viewpoint
,which without exception makes more sense, so as to keep telling them about Islam.
We should also tell them about the similarities between us eg. "we have to love Jesus mor than we love
our own parents" or "we have to believe in the bible to be muslim"(obviously the uncorrupted initial version) or
"islam also teaches peace and forgiveness", or "we also pray to God" etc etc
What do they believe:
1)the majority believe in the trinity (their way of explaining God): Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
They believe that God is 3 parts in 1.
2)They believe Jesus was man and God.
3)They believe the Bible to be the word of God.
4)They believe Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins
5)they believe he was resurrected after 3 days.
(--a good reference for christianity is www.answering-christianity.com--)
-Point 1
the trinity doesnt make sense. its not correct logically. when talking this analogy is quite good:
"You say Jesus, Father and holy spirit is God?" "ok so Jesus is one pencil, Father is another and Holy
spirit is another. that is 3 pencils...how can 3 pencils = 1 pencil?"
now they will generally say "no they are all at once so they are one"
say:so 1/3=0.333 - so jesus is only a third God? - isnt that limiting God and saying theres something
he cant do? - isnt that defeating the purpose of God? -
also the trinity isnt mentioned ONCE in the entire bible!, jesus (as) never claims to be god! infact
jesus comes across as a very monothiestic and humble messenger of God in the Bible -
how then can christians say he is god if he never even claims it - its like you saying im going to kiss everyone
who walks past me, after you hear me clearly say that i am gonna kick anyone that walks past me!
now theres a new argument - "we cannot comprehend god" - they say- therefore it doesnt matter if we cant make sense of the trinity...
okay if that is the case:
1) why does the torah stick to a monotheistic god? (and the majority of the NT too)- if they believe in the torah (OT)...
then they must realise that they have totally changed the whole nature of god form what the bible states.
why does god change his entire way of revealing himself and reveal 2/3 more of himself in the NT?
2) life is a test - god wants us to believe in him - why would he reveal an illogical and unbelievable religion then?
then using this argument we could argue anything about god - like say a relgion says that a female goddess mated
with a male god and produced discworld which morphed into the earth etc etc - all this makes sense when we say we cannot comprehend god!
and then offer them the islamic answer - god is one and only one and jesus is not god and only a messenger of god.
-point 2
Jesus was man and God? - so he somehow combined his weakness of man with the infinite power of God?
So when jesus died on the cross...who died...God? - was the world without God for 3 days?
So when Jesus says he doesnt know when the day of Judgement is...is he not God...isnt he all knowing.
when he prays...is he praying to himself...why is he asking himself for forgiveness or help if he is
god himself...is he accepting the superiority of the father over himself? in which case he isnt all-
why does he say "he is my God and your God" - err..isnt he God?
perhaps the biggest point here is this: If jesus was God - and the Bible is the book of God - Why in
the world doesnt it say even once in the Bible - clearly that Jesus was God?? thats like claiming
that I am giving away money...without me ever saying so...and then people accepting the words of other
Jesus is called the Son of God in the Bible - but then again...so is Adam and so is David among
others...this was an expression in those days meaning to be a Prophet or someone close to God.
Jesus says in the bible he has not come to change the law (jewish beliefs) rather to reliven them...isnt saying
that Jesus (as) is God totally against the monotheism Judaism teaching?
- Point 3
www.video.google.com - search for "who wrote the bible" for a useful resource - and of course
answering-christianity.com... ;)
some points...Bible scholars accept that the writers of the 4 gospels were all anonymous, they have
ascribed them to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, but no-one knows who wrote them.
The Bible was compiled a full 150-300 years after jesus! it was compiled by people who had their own sets of beliefs
and they only chose gospels most suited to those specific beliefs...
incidentally 27 gospels were left out of the final Bible! among which are the gospel of Barnabas, peter, thomas and mary
magdelene! these people form main characters in the gospels... and their writings are declared as heretical!
(incidentally the gospel of barnabas is supposed to contain prophecies by name of Muhammed (saw) - search it online..)
muhammad in the Bible - \deut, xviii, 15 /john, xiv, 16, also check out shaykh Deedats works - very useful (search online)
The Bible has clear contradictions such as the genealogy of Jesus in Mathew 1:1 and Luke ...
(for more...refer to answering-christianity.com)
The Bible also has sections where it says "early manuscripts dont mention this bit"...why is it included then? surely
the manuscripts closest to the time were most accurate, and anyway why were there differences between the two texts...
surely as "Gods word" it couldnt be edited by any freestyle scribe? ( interesting use of freestyle...;) )
the gospel writers were not eye-witnesses...rather they wrote about events from hearsay of others.
also the bible is scientifically incorrect - in the creation story - it clearly says:
1) that the night and day were there before the sun and the moon!
2) that the plants came before the sun!
3) no evolution whatsoever in 7 days
4) they may argue that 7 periods of time argument - well how do plants survive millions of years before the sun? and anyway
when god rests on the 7th day...is there no evolution then?
now they may try to neatly sidestep this argument by saying that the creation story is actually just figurative before science
told us the truth...well tell them...u say the bible is from god...that god knows all...its for guidance...why then would god LIE
to us in his holy book? - also this means the bible contradicts clear fact - sumthing we can prove for sumthing in contradiction to...
it...we obviously believe the proveable side! science! quran too! dawah territory!
now tell them about there only being one version of the quran - and how its exactly the same as the first quran-and then
discuss the quran and bring in islam ( dawah teritory)
-point 4
jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins, to get rid of original sin...and went to hell for 3 days.
okay well first of all we ask the question...why didnt Jesus "supposedly God" not just forgive the sins - or why did the
"loving father" not just forgive the sins?
2nd - its highly unfair that one man suffers for everyone...thats like hanging me for Ian huntleys murders! totally
unfair! And God is most just...wheres the justice...and anyway isnt this world supposed to be a test? wheres the test
now if we aint gonna be punished whatever happens?
next we can recyle the point that if jesus is god...and god dies on the cross...who the hell (pardon the pun) is running
the world?
next if jesus went to hell for 3 days...why dont the Gospels mention it?...and anyway this is "God" we are talking
about...God doesnt need to get punished...thats just plain stupid... god creates us to test us...he makes everyone pass
the test...and then he punishes himself for out sins? whaaat!
- point 5
jesus was resurrected...but was he? the early gospels dont mention this.
also when jesus "is resurrected" he is seen my Mary Magdelene ( a close companion) but she doesnt recognise him! this is
her religious leader who shes been taught by...and she doesnt recognise him..how can that be...the same for the
disciples...they dont recognise him either! how can that possibly be?
then theres the conundrum that is the sign of Jonah - (http://www.jamaat.net/jonah/signofjonah.html) - basically jesus
says he will give:ND THERE SHALL NO SIGN (no miracle) BE GIVEN TO IT, BUT THE SIGN (miracle) OF THE PROPHET JONAS: FOR
AS JONAS WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE WHALE'S BELLY - now jonas was alive in the belly of the whale - so jesus
was alive in the belly of the earth too...also the three days and three night totally doesnt add up as if jesus was buried
on friday evening and the tomb was empty by the sunday morning- then we are looking at only 1 day and 2 nights!
general tips:
always focus on the trinity more - as that is easiest to lead to islam and tawheed (one-ness of Allah)
dont waste too much time on die-hard christians as they are just not interested in what you have to say...
its hard to not get in a heated debate sumtimes but always try to keep the temperature at under 14 degrees celsius :)
They are basically people who don't believe that God exists.
This is something the atheist use to explain how we came into being. The theory of big bang tells us that there were some "matter"
at the beginning which had immense temperature and density. And there was like a supernova which caused the space to expand... and the
earth was formed.
QURAN's VIEW ON THIS: Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven when it was SMOKE, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both
of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come, willingly." (41:11).
"Do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the earth were joined together, then We split them apart." (21:30)
This shows that Quran completely agrees with the theory of big bang. At this point during your conversation, you could say, "How could
someone know about this 1400 years ago?"
Also, where did this matter for big bang come from?
It is also known that the space is constantly expanding... The Quran agrees with it and this is what it says:
"And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it." (51:47)
**firemanent means "the vault of heaven; sky"
Who could have known that 1400 years ago? Only Allah.
- Point 3 - Theory of Evolution
Theory of evolution states how we all came from water. Quran also agrees with it.
"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece,
then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" (21:30)
Evolution then goes on to claim how we evolved from one species to another... this is where the problem arises... we as muslims don't agree
with this as we know and are told that Prophet Adam was created on his image (i.e. he didnt go through stages of being infant etc).
Furthermore, if you think about it, life started from water... so lets say fishes were the first animals. How would a fish develop lungs? Why would it need
to? Its gills are specialised to take in oxygen from water. It is inefficient to breathe in water and extract oxygen from it, as water is dense and so lots
of energy will be wasted to carry this out.
I asked this question to someone and he said what if the fish gets washed to the shores and lays eggs. Clearly there are some things wrong with this
suggestion. Firstly, the fish would die if it leaves the water since fishes dont "breathe" in air but get their oxygen from water. Secondly, say for argument's
sake, the fish layed eggs as soon as it came to the shore and then died. The eggs won't hatch into animals with lungs because they contain genes for forming
gills, so they would immediately die.
We believe partly in evolution, things like "adapting" to environment. So, for example if I go live at high altitude, my body will start to produce more red
blood cells to carry more oxygen. This is because there is less oxygen in the environment at high altitude. The body "adapts" to the environment. As you can
see this idea is completely logic and makes sense.
- Other General Points - including Lion analogy
athiests think they are the most logical ppl on earth (they love science)as they think its irrational to believe in god or to give god as a
reason for our creation etc. -
firstly congratulate them on their independent thinking, and their quest for believing in proven things then ask them why they dont believe in
okay give them this higly logical analogy: you have a room, someone says there is a lion in it...they offer you a gun...do u or do u not take it?
lets break the answers down:
u take the gun - no lion - ur safe
u take the gun - lion attacks in a bloody rage and jumps for your throat...u shoot it...ur safe
u dont take the gun - no lion - ur safe
u dont take the gun -lion attacks in a bloody rage and jumps for your throat...the lion gets your throat, and eats you. - emphatically not safe!
so the obvious choice is to take the gun (islam) and protect yourself from the lion ( punishment)
also always use science with atheists as they love it - use the obove points for help.
negative cohesion ( using a third party you both oppose to get a relationship together) eg the idea of the trinity...they will see you dont like
irrational concepts.
also very useful is to spell out for them what they believe in, namely: that they have seen everything in the universe, at all times, outside the
universe, and all this at the same time...and therefore have concluded there is no god! - they havent - so they cant say there is absolutely no
chance of there being a god.
these convos should be quite easy to link back to tawheed ( the oneness of God).
these aint sure whether there is a god or not....use the atheist section to convince them of a god...then...
1)give them scientific facts in quran as a "wow" factor (so to speak),
2)and then ask them open questions and basically find out their purpose in life
3)where they think we came from,
4)where we are going, etc
obviously always giving islamic viewpoint too...
coming soon!
Deists: think there is a god...but dont follow a religion...
?Jews?: (OT reliability maybe)
spiritual religions eg Budhism etc:
ppl not interested:
plz let us know if anything we said is wrong - we are absolutely open to justified criticism-and anything that we said is wrong is from us and anything we said right is from Allah.
and above all -GET INVOLVED!!
intro to blog
this website will enable us InshAllah to let other muslims brethren know about this excellent opportunity we have online everyday (especially us teenagers) when we go on MSN etc, to tell people about islam.
and simple maths tells us the more people know about this opportunity...the more people we give dawah to...the more reward we get. :)